Staying clean isn’t new to us. Sanitation is our thing. This is what we do.
Yet, with the current health crisis in Illinois and across the nation, we must keep our clientele and staff safe and aware. At any point that we are in operation, note that we have no more than one client at a time. Here’s what we have been doing since we opened five years ago, and what will be doing moving forward:
We deep cleaned our studio prior to opening and upon closing
Before and after every single client, we clean the waxing beds, change our gloves and throw away any materials used.
We never double dip, and we take sanitation very seriously here
Our staff wash their hands, wear gloves and also aprons to protect ourselves and our clients.
All clients are required to fill out a form about their personal health to be sure we can accommodate and advise them as needed.
1. Text your name and appointment time to 708-257-9322 when you park
and await a response telling you to come in. Please WAIT FOR A RESPONSE;
I have to ensure there is only one client in the studio at a time.
2. No extra guest will be allowed in the studio.
Only the client being serviced will he allowed to enter.
3.Wear your mask upon entering the building.
4. Your temperature will be taking when you arrive at my studio door.
Anyone with a temperature over 99 degrees will not be allowed to come in
and will be required to reschedule.
5. You will need to fill out a COVID-19 intake form prior to entering the studio.
The form will be downloadable on your mobile device.
6. Upon entering the studio you will be required to wash your hands
prior to us moving forward with your scheduled service(s).
7. Any service that can be performed with a mask on is required that your
mask stay on for the entire duration of the service.
8.After you get up from your service you will be provided hand sanitizer.
Please be patient at this time as we are adjusting to the new COVID-19 guidelines.
I will be working hard to keep you and the salon community safe, and I know I can count on you too. Together we will make it through this trying time. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or text me. I look forward to providing services again in the very near future.
If our staff is under the weather, they are advised to stay home. Our other staff members accommodate of their clients as needed to provide services. If anything arises with our studio, a client or anything we are working to avoid, our clientele will be informed.
What we need from our clientele is for you to practice cleanliness and safety before and after you come to Ready Set Relax, such as washing your hands, using hand sanitizer, and covering your mouth when you need to. We pride ourselves in being an very clean, award winning, 5-star beauty studio, and we want to be sure our clients and staff are safe and well.
Thank you!
“The Beauty Boss”